Interviewing candidates – Not just a 1-way flow

While the economic recovery in Australia was disrupted by the Delta variant of the Coronavirus in 2021 and the impact of Omicron is hitting hard now, there is still reason for business optimism in 2022.

We saw employment drop 2.5% in the second half of 2021 however job creation is strong at present with Indeed seeing job postings and vacancies at a record high. This is expected to assist employment growth and at the same time, the Reserve Bank is expecting the unemployment rate to move into the low 4% range.

We could be facing the tightest labour market since the global financial crisis of 2008. The volume of job opportunities plus closed borders is impacting labour supply and means we are starting to see a strong seller’s market, with job seekers very much on an equal footing to the employer.

At OrgMent Talent Solutions we fully understand a candidate interview is a 2-way process in which interviewers need to ‘sell’ their organisation as much as establish the fit of the candidate for the role. We are experiencing a growth in candidates with multiple job-offers on the table and they are asking searching questions beyond job role including the stability of the organisation, flexibility to work from home and of course, the culture of the team.

Finding the right employee is the most important decision a business can make – it can be very costly to get this wrong. It is estimated a bad hire can cost business as much as five times the salary of the employee, never mind the disruption to the established team.

Often interviews are conducted by line managers, many of whom know the business and role functionality well but are they good interviewers? This is a real skill – putting the candidate at ease, exploring experience and using open questions to get the very best information whilst at the same time selling your broader business as the choice of place to work in a competitive job market is certainly not an easy task.

We are here to help and can provide training sessions for your management team so you can be sure to secure a one of the terrific candidates seeking employment right now.

To find out more about interview skills training and the other services we offer, click here.

by Kristine Ash, Director


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