Meet The Team


Ian Ash - ACC, AInstIB

Ian Ash has been involved with the recruitment and engagement of staff for over thirty years. Having conducted well over a thousand interviews and having been involved with organisational development as both a company executive and business specialist, he knows the importance of understanding a company’s culture and how to identify candidates that best fit. He is the architect of a unique interview model that maximises both the effectiveness and efficiency of the recruitment process.

Ian is also Managing Director of OrgMent Business Solutions, a business advisory company that focuses on business strategy as well as all aspects of staff engagement, retention and development.




Kris Ash - BA(Hons) FIA Member

Kristine’s work as a Director of OrgMent Talent Solution provides timely end-to-end recruitment services delivering impeccable client and candidate care.

Kristine brings extensive experience of working in and with organisations small to large, local to global in the roles she undertakes. With a focus on understanding company culture and role requirements she delivers exceptional outcomes where candidates truly fit into the organisations they join.

As a trusted and respected partner and advisor Kristine consistently ensures strong client satisfaction and solid commercial outcomes aligned with organisational strategy and purpose. Her strong facilitation and listening skills allow Kristine to connect, nurture, build and maintain long-term relationships.




Lara Passmore-Kerr

For more than 20 years Lara has worked within the construction sector.  Her cross-cultural sensitivity and communication skills have enabled her to foster great professional relationships, working together towards outcomes benefitting all stakeholders. Lara’s genuine regard for a company’s culture and their people feeds her desire for good recruitment outcomes. 

Lara’s love of nature and her garden often competes with her husband’s love of a game of golf – she is easily convinced. 
