
Our candidates don’t just fit …

… they belong

OrgMent Talent Solutions was established to provide a real alternative for employers and job seekers alike to ensure the very best outcomes for the long term - our candidates don’t just fit their role, they truly belong in your team and organisation.

How we work

  • The Brief

    • Comprehensive brief meeting to gather business needs

    • Understanding of role requirements and cultural fit

    • Ideal role profile (optional)

  • The Search

    • Development of search strategy and candidate screening plan

    • Confirming Position Description and Job Advertisement

    • Database search, networking, advertising and social media

  • Selection Process

    • Telephone and face-to-face interviews

    • Candidate assessed according to our unique selection criteria

    • Presentation of 1 to 3 candidates per role

  • Interview Process

    • Interview Skills training (optional)

    • Candidate Personality Profiling and Cognitive Skills Assessments (optional)

    • Comprehensive reference checking

  • Placement

    • Offer, negotiation and employment Contract sign-off

    • Post Placement Follow up - 1 week/6 weeks/3 months

    • 3-month replacement guarantee.