Job Seekers

Do what you love

Ensuring the most suitable fit for a role is a two-way process. OrgMent Talent Solutions is committed to ensuring the best possible experience for our candidates as well as employers.

With tools developed specifically for recruitment, we help you to uncover your true career aspirations and assist you to present your best and most genuine version of yourself to potential employers.

Job Seeker Services

  • Ideal Role Selection Program

    This unique program is specifically designed to increase your personal self-awareness and heighten your understanding of those roles that will provide you with the greatest satisfaction and self-fulfilment. 

    The program is partitioned into six focused sessions containing both interactive elements and personal exercises so that the results are customised specifically for your needs. Included is a practical framework Workbook that enables you to capture all the key information for future reference.

  • Resume and Cover Letter Advice

    We believe it is important that a candidate’s resume style should reflect their personal character. For this reason, OTS only supplies resumes to employers that are written by the candidates themselves. We won’t doctor any resume, however we can offer advice on what constitutes a great resume and cover letter, helping you to supply the information that employers really require.

  • Interview Preparation

    What constitutes a great interview? There are some things that are best avoided and there are a great number of ways to enhance your chances of being selected for your desired role. Our optional interview skills training program will equip you with the skills necessary to present the best version of yourself through improved listening skills, ability to handle difficult questions, and helping you ascertain whether the role really is a good fit for you.

Submit Your CV.

It all begins with your CV. Email your CV, some information on your desired next role, and if you’d like assistance preparing for your job-search. We look forward to meeting you.
+61 412 399 001

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