The why

Interviewers often focus almost exclusively on the technical skills required for a role, but it is typically the case that companies “hire on skills and fire on fit”.   If the focus is shifted to an individual’s core values and how these align with those of the company, combined with an understanding of why the individual wants the role, we sincerely believe that the chance of “firing on fit” is reduced considerably.

Of course, it is important that the candidate has the essential technical skills, but rarely does a candidate tick all the boxes.  If someone really wants the role and appears to be a good fit for the business, then missing technical skills can be learnt; training someone to fit into the culture of an organisation is considerably harder!

Want to know more about this important topic?  Please touch base with the team at OrgMent Talent Solutions

Ian Ash ACC, AInstIB 

Managing Director OrgMent Talent Solutions -


Cultural fit when hiring


Recruitment priorities