Who needs HR?
Take a look at most small or medium sized businesses and Human Resources (or as it is now more commonly known ‘People and Culture’) is typically not a formally identified part of the business and hence has no champion for it; yet it turns out to be one of the most important. At first sight, this may seem like an exaggeration, particularly since it is not something that is typically required five days a week in a business, but this crucial function covers many key areas:
How much do you enjoy your job? According to the latest Gallup World survey (State of the Global Workplace 2022 Report), only 17% of employees in Australia are “engaged” or actually enjoying and actively contributing to their work. That means that 83% of staff are not engaged which implies anything from just turning up and doing what has to be done right through to actively working against the best interests of the employer!
Starting on the right foot
Starting a new role with a business can be pretty nerve-wracking even for experienced employees. There seems to be so much to learn – getting to know team members, protocols and standards, systems and processes and of course the company products and services as well so it may well feel like the new member is drinking from the proverbial fire-hose for the first few weeks. However, the transition into a new role can be made much more pleasant, effective and efficient through the employer putting in place some simple steps.
Hints and tips when applying for a new role
Today I thought I would provide some advice to those looking for a new role. Afterall, a new year can imply a new start so what should you do when trying to secure a new job?
The first thing I recommend doing is look at the reason why you want a new role. Unless you are paid well below market rates, just looking for more money is not a great way to start. There will always be jobs that pay more and those of you that are in a role that you love will already know that this is far more important than just being well paid.
Attraction and retention
Attracting and retaining good staff is a massive issue right now with many businesses finding it very hard to get staff amidst the well-publicised staff shortages and those that do are finding that salary requirements have increased substantially. With the prospect of further interest rate rises and inflation showing no signs of reducing, the current situation is unlikely to change significantly for some time, and so now, more than ever, it is vital that businesses retain valuable staff and where necessary attract good new employees. So how is this done and where should the focus be placed?
The top 5 mistakes made in hiring staff
There can be few business leaders who are unaware of just how difficult it is to hire staff right now. Not only do we have record low unemployment (around 3.5% currently but in practice actually much lower since there is always a small cohort who have no interest in finding work anyway), but there is also a recognised skills shortage in many business sectors, e.g. construction managers, early childhood teachers, ICT (information and communications technology) and others connected with the hospitality sector. Yet, despite this, hiring of new staff is universally poorly done which is costly enough ordinarily, but given the situation today can actually be downright damaging. Here are five common mistakes:
How to succeed in an interview
There have recently been a number of articles that focus on the post-pandemic work environment with many pointing to a significant increase in staff movement. The past Covid-19 lockdowns have given staff time to think seriously about their roles, what they enjoy, what they don’t and what they want to achieve out of their vocation.
While many in the travel, hospitality and retail sectors have already been forced into pivoting into different industries, it is anticipated that many more will be looking for new roles even within the same sectors spurred on by the increased flexibility that now exists through remote working or simply the opportunity of new challenges as organisations struggle to find candidates.
Are you showcasing your business?
According to the Fin Review (June 2022) Australian businesses are crying out for more workers as the country copes with one of the largest labour shortages yet seen. The Australian Bureau of Statistics reported that there were 423,000 job vacancies in June and it seems to be no better at the time of writing in August.
With the unemployment rate at a 48-year low and sitting around the 4% mark, businesses are reporting some alarming statistics: 59% of job applicants do not have the right skills and 79% reported a lack of applicants entirely!
The role of the CEO
I have recently spoken to two CEOs with a remarkable amount in common – they are both business owners with the same number of staff, have similar revenues, both mange blue collar workers, each have two children between the ages of five and nine and both have “no time” for a number of key things:
· Spending quality time with their wife/partner
· Spending time with the kids
· Spending time on hobbies/personal interests/catching up with mates
· Thinking strategically about their respective businesses
· Being a CEO
Although often credited to Stephen Covey or Tony Robbins, the BE-DO-HAVE Model is likely to have been around longer than that (I recall hearing about it in my mid-twenties so it must be old!). Fundamentally, it is a simple framework that provides perhaps a non-intuitive approach for success. Let me illustrate with an example to start:
Suppose you want to be the best golfer in your club. It might be tempting to think that to be the best golfer, you need to have the best golf clubs or have the best golf instructor. Is this likely to make you the best golfer? Of course not!
What motivates staff?
Those of you in business that are currently looking to hire more staff would already be well aware of the present difficulty in finding great people. With the unemployment rate in Victoria at around just 4.5% (and bearing in mind that there will always be a percentage of the working age population that are either not willing or not able to work), there is bound to be a shortage of talented people.
3 ways to improve personal effectiveness
Why is it that some people seem to be able to squeeze much more into their lives than others? Afterall there are 24 hours in a day and 7 days in a week for all of us, but when you reflect on the achievements of people like Elon Musk, Richard Branson, Gandhi and Winston Churchill, you have to wonder how on earth they managed to squeeze so much in?
Know your numbers
What was your least favourite subject at school: English? Physics? Music? Chances are that many of you will have said Maths which is a pity since not only is this a fascinating subject, it also lies at the heart of much of what we need to do in day-to-day living, e.g. paying bills, budgeting etc. Since many people naturally shy away from mathematics these things are often avoided but in business, it is essential to ‘know your numbers’ if you are going to make your business a success.
Implications of the great resignation
Have you heard the term ‘The Great Resignation’? The phrase refers to the well above average number of American workers that left their current roles around March 2021 and continued to do so into the latter part of 2021. In fact, in August 2021 a staggering 4.3 million US workers left their jobs across all types of roles, and research at Microsoft indicated that around 40% of workers globally are thinking about quitting as well.
Interviewing candidates – Not just a 1-way flow
While the economic recovery in Australia was disrupted by the Delta variant of the Coronavirus in 2021 and the impact of Omicron is hitting hard now, there is still reason for business optimism in 2022.
We saw employment drop 2.5% in the second half of 2021 however job creation is strong at present with Indeed seeing job postings and vacancies at a record high.
Five tips for successful interviewing
Hiring the right staff is the most important decision a business can make, bar none. If you are a business leader or manager that has managed staff, you will know exactly why this is - great staff make your life easier and enjoyable and toxic staff can cost a huge amount of time and effort, not to mention possible damage to teamwork and customer relations alike.
Improvement starts with me
It was the Scottish poet Robbie Burns (1759 – 1796) that once said:
“O, wad some Power the giftie gie us
To see oursels as others see us!”
which in modern English simply states ‘if only we could see ourselves as others see us’…..
Lessons in negotiation
I remember being told at a management training session held many years ago that ‘In business as in life, you don't get what you deserve, you get what you negotiate’. It turns out that this is the title of a book by Chester L Karrass …..
Personality profiling
As someone who runs both a business advisory company as well as a recruitment business, I have found personality profiling to be an invaluable instrument for better understanding the people with whom I work.
The trust equation
Hopefully this is a rhetorical question for everyone reading this as it is essential in every sort of relationship…